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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(10): 771-779, Oct. 2019.
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1056908


Monofluoroacetate (MFA)-containing plants cause sudden death associated with exercise in ruminants, and are responsible for significant losses in Brazilian livestock, estimated at 500,000 bovine deaths annually. Most of the times, the control and treatment of this type of poisoning are not efficient, because disease evolution is superacute, usually causing the death of the animal. Due to the difficulty in controlling this intoxication, several studies have suggested alternatives to prevent it, mainly by making animals resistant to the MFA present in these plants or by avoiding their consumption. This literature review addresses the techniques used experimentally to control the poisoning of ruminants by plants containing MFA. The first studies carried out in Brazil demonstrated that goats and sheep that continuously receive non-toxic doses of plant containing MFA show greater resistance to poisoning than untreated animals, and that this resistance can be transmitted by ruminal fluid transfaunation, suggesting that poisoning occurs due to the presence of bacteria that hydrolyze MFA in the rumen. Based on this hypothesis, several MFA-hydrolyzing bacteria were isolated (Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus sp., Paenibacillus sp., Burkholderia sp., Cupriavidus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Ancylobacter sp., Ralstonia sp., Stenotrophomonas sp., Pigmentiphaga kullae, and Ancylobacter dichloromethanicus). When some of these bacteria were administered intraruminally, they provided the animal with a different level of protection against poisoning. However, it was observed that protection is gradually lost when the bacterium administration is interrupted. Consequently, to obtain more efficient protection, these bacteria should be administered continuously, probably in the form of probiotics. In another assay, MFA was administered to sheep at non-toxic doses to test the hypothesis that this substance could induce the multiplication of bacteria that hydrolyze it in the rumen. There was no increase in resistance to poisoning after administration of MFA; however, no signs of poisoning were observed when animals received trifluoroacetate and no clinical signs were verified when they were challenged with toxic doses of MFA; in contrast, all control animals presented clinical signs. These results suggest that trifluoroacetate induces the proliferation of MFA-degrading bacteria, and can be used in intoxication prophylaxis. The conditioned food aversion technique, using lithium chloride, has been successfully used experimentally to prevent ruminants from ingesting plants that contain MFA. Another alternative tested was the spraying of Amorimia septentrionalis with the endophytic bacterium Herbaspirillum seropedicae, which degrades MFA, resulting in decreased concentration of this compound in the plants. In conclusion, several experimental techniques have been proved efficient in the control and prophylaxis of MFA-containing plant poisoning; however, none of these techniques are available commercially. Further experiments, mainly in the field, should be carried out to adapt some of these techniques to the conditions of extensive breeding in the numerous areas where MFA-containing plants occur.(AU)

As plantas que contém monofluoroacetato (MFA) causam morte súbita associada ao exercício em ruminantes, e são responsáveis por grandes perdas na pecuária brasileira, estimadas em 500.000 mortes de bovinos anualmente. O controle e tratamento desse tipo de intoxicação, na maioria das vezes, não apresenta eficiência, visto que a evolução da doença é superaguda, e geralmente ocasiona a morte do animal. Devido à dificuldade no controle dessa intoxicação, diversos estudos sugerem alternativas para preveni-la, principalmente tornando os animais resistentes ao MFA presente nessas plantas ou evitando seu consumo. O objetivo do presente trabalho é fazer uma revisão bibliográfica das técnicas utilizadas experimentalmente para controlar a intoxicação de ruminantes por plantas que contém MFA. Nos primeiros trabalhos realizados no Brasil, foi determinado que caprinos e ovinos que recebem continuadamente doses não tóxicas de planta que contém MFA apresentam maior resistência a intoxicação que animais não tratados e que essa resistência pode ser transmitida por transfaunação de fluído ruminal, sugerindo que a mesma ocorre devido a presença de bactérias que hidrolisam MFA no rúmen. Com base nessa hipótese foram isoladas diversas bactérias que hidrolisam MFA (Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus sp., Paenibacillus sp., Burkholderia sp., Cupriavidus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Ancylobactersp., Ralstoniasp., Stenotrophomonas sp., Pigmentiphaga kullae e Ancylobacter dichloromethanicus). Quando algumas dessas bactérias foram administradas intraruminalmente conferiram diferentes graus de proteção contra a intoxicação. No entanto foi observado que a proteção se perde gradualmente quando se deixa de administrar a(s) bactéria(s). Em consequência, para obter uma proteção mais eficiente essas bactérias deveriam ser administradas continuadamente, provavelmente na forma de probiótico. Em outro ensaio administrou-se MFA a ovinos em doses não tóxicas para testar a hipótese de que esta substância poderia induzir a multiplicação de bactérias que hidrolisam o mesmo no rúmen. Não houve um aumento da resistência a intoxicação após a administração de MFA; no entanto quando foi administrado trifluoroacetato, os animais não desenvolveram nenhum sinal de intoxicação e quando desafiados com doses tóxicas de MFA não apresentaram sinais clínicos, pelo contrário todos os animais controles apresentaram sinais clínicos. Esses resultados sugerem que o trifluoroacetato induz a proliferação de bactérias que degradam MFA e pode ser utilizado para a profilaxia da intoxicação. A técnica da aversão alimentar condicionada, utilizando cloreto de lítio, tem sido empregada experimentalmente, com sucesso, para evitar que ruminantes ingiram plantas que contém MFA. Outra alternativa testada foi a pulverização de Amorimia septentrionalis com a bactéria endofítica Herbaspirullum seropedicae, que degrada MFA, resultando na diminuição da concentração deste composto na planta. Conclui-se que há diversas técnicas que experimentalmente tem demonstrado eficiência no controle e profilaxia das intoxicações por plantas que contém MFA; no entanto, nenhuma dessas técnicas está disponível comercialmente. Futuros experimentos, principalmente, a campo, deverão ser realizados para adaptar alguma(s) dessas técnicas as condições de criação extensiva nas numerosas áreas onde ocorrem plantas que contém MFA.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Plant Poisoning/prevention & control , Plant Poisoning/veterinary , Goats , Sheep , Probiotics/therapeutic use , Fluoroacetates/poisoning
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(10): 1913-1917, out. 2018. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-976384


Amorimia septentrionalis is an important sodium monofluoroacetate (MFA) containing plant that causes sudden death in ruminants in northeastern Brazil. MFA degrading bacteria are being used in the prevention against poisoning by this plant. The aim of this study was to evaluate if goats which had per os received MFA degrading bacteria remained resistant when exposed to natural poisoning by A. septentrionalis. Eighteen goats were randomly distributed into three groups: the goats of Group 1 previously received, during 40 days, a solution containing the bacteria Ralstonia sp. and Burkholderia sp., those goats in the Group 2 received the bacteria Paenibacillus sp. and Cupriavidus sp. and goats from Group 3 did not receive any bacteria. After the administration period, during 60 days, the animals of all groups were released to graze on a one hectare paddock, with significant amount of A. septentrionalis. They were observed daily for the spontaneous consumption of A. septentrionalis leaves and the occurrence of clinical signs of poisoning or sudden death. Goats from all groups consumed significant amounts of A. septentrionalis during the experimental period. Goats that did not receive MFA-degrading bacteria (Group 3) became sick and died from the 25th to the 27th day of the experiment, whereas the goats of the groups that received MFA-degrading bacteria showed only clinical sings when A. septentrionalis regrowth after the 55th day of the experiment. The days elapsed from field observation to death of Group 3 goats (25.5±0.9 days) were significantly lower (p<0.05) than Group 1 (58.6±1.3 days) and Group 2 (57.8±1.5 days). Thus, it can be concluded that administration of MFA degrading bacteria increases the resistance to natural poisoning by A. septentrionalis.(AU)

Amorimia septentrionalis que contém monofluoroacetato de sódio (MFA) é responsável pela ocorrência de mortes súbitas em ruminantes no nordeste do Brasil. Bactérias degradadoras desse composto estão sendo utilizadas na prevenção contra a intoxicação por essa planta. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se caprinos que receberam, via oral, bactérias degradadoras de MFA permaneciam resistentes quando expostos a intoxicação natural por A. septentrionalis. Dezoito caprinos foram divididos em três grupos, os caprinos do Grupo 1 receberam anteriormente, durante 40 dias, uma solução contendo as bactérias Ralstonia sp. e Burkholderia sp., os do Grupo 2 receberam, também por 40 dias as bactérias Paenibacillus sp. e Cupriavidus sp. e os do Grupo 3 não receberam nenhuma bactéria. Após o período de administração, durante 60 dias, os animais de todos os grupos foram soltos para pastar em um piquete de um hectare, que apresentava uma quantidade significativa da planta. Diariamente eles foram observados quanto ao consumo espontâneo das folhas de A. septentrionalis e quanto à presença de sinais clínicos de intoxicação ou morte. Os caprinos de todos os grupos consumiram quantidades significantes da planta durante o período experimental. Os caprinos que não receberam as bactérias degradantes de MFA (Grupo 3) adoeceram e morreram entre o 25º e o 27º dia de experimento, enquanto que os que receberam as bactérias degradantes de MFA (Grupo 1 e 2) só apresentaram sinais clínicos no 55º dia de experimento, o que coincidiu com a rebrota da planta. Os dias transcorridos desde a observação a campo até a morte dos caprinos do Grupo 3 (25,5±0,9 dias) foram significativamente menores (p<0,05) que os do Grupo 1 (58,6±1,3 dias) e do Grupo 2 (57,8±1,5 dias). Com isso pode-se concluir que a administração de bactérias degradadoras de MFA aumenta à resistência a intoxicação natural por A. septentrionalis.(AU)

Animals , Plant Poisoning/therapy , Plant Poisoning/veterinary , Bacteria/enzymology , Ruminants , Malpighiaceae/poisoning , Fluoroacetates/antagonists & inhibitors , Burkholderia , Ralstonia , Cupriavidus , Paenibacillus
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 34(5): 433-437, May 2014. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-714713


Amorimia septentrionalis contém monofluoracetato de sódio e quando consumida por ruminantes provoca morte súbita. Este estudo teve o objetivo de relatar a epidemiologia, os sinais clínicos e patológicos de surtos de morte súbita em bovinos provocadas por Amorimia septentrionalis nos Estados de Pernambuco e Paraíba. Para isso, realizaram-se visitas técnicas em diversas propriedades nas Microrregiões do Médio Capibaribe/PE e Itabaiana/PB. Oito bovinos foram necropsiados. Coletaram-se tecidos das cavidades abdominal e torácica, além do encéfalo e medula espinhal. As alterações clínicas consistiram em lentidão, decúbito esternal prolongado, relutância em se movimentar quando em estação, cansaço, taquipneia, taquicardia e pulso venoso positivo. Os bovinos que foram forçados a se movimentar apresentaram instabilidade, tremores musculares e queda repentina seguida de vocalizações, movimentos de pedalagem e morte súbita em cerca de 5 a 7 minutos. As principais alterações macroscópicas consistiram em edema pulmonar, coração com aspecto globular com áreas esbranquiçadas, petéquias e equimoses no epicárdio, miocárdio e músculos papilares. À microscopia observou-se aumento da eosinofilia do citoplasma dos cardiomiócitos, núcleos picnóticos, cariorrexia, cariólise, perda das estriações, edema intersticial, infiltrado inflamatório intersticial mononuclear e áreas multifocais de fibrose cardíaca. Nos rins, constatou-se degeneração hidrópico vacuolar e necrose das células epiteliais em túbulos contorcidos. Os sinais clínicos foram semelhantes aos sinais clínicos já descritos em bovinos por plantas que contém MFA. As lesões macro e microscópicas descritas no coração e rins são de grande valor diagnóstico. A. septentrionalis é a principal planta tóxica de interesse pecuário nas microrregiões do Médio Capibaribe e Itabaiana devido às perdas econômicas diretas e indiretas que provoca na pecuária dessas regiões.

Amorimia (Mascagnia) septentrionalis contains sodium monofluoracetate and when consumed by ruminants cause outbreaks of sudden death. This study aimed to describe the epidemiology, clinical and pathological signs of outbreaks of sudden deaths in cattle caused by A. septentrionalis in the states of Pernambuco and Paraíba. For this, technical visits where made on various properties in the regions of Médio Capibaribe/PE and Itabaiana/PB. Eight cattle were necropsied. Tissues were collected from abdominal and thoracic cavities, besides brain and spinal cord. The clinical changes consisted in apathy, prolonged sternal recumbency, reluctance to move, fatigue, tachypnea, tachycardia and positive venous pulse. The animals that were forced to move showed instability, muscular tremors and then a single fall followed by vocalizations, paddling and death in 5-7 minutes. Macroscopic changes consisted in pulmonary edema, globular heart with whitish areas, petechiae and ecchymosis in the epicardium, myocardium and papillary muscles. Microscopically there was an increase of eosinophilia of cytoplasm of cardiomyocytes, picnosis, cariorrexia, karyolysis, loss of striations and multifocal areas of cardiac fibrosis. In the kidney, there was hydropic vacuolar degeneration and necrosis of epithelial cells in convoluted tubules. The clinical signs presented by the cattle poisoned were similar to those previously described by plants containing MFA. The macroscopic and microscopic lesions described in the heart and kidneys are of great diagnostic value. A septentrionalis is the main toxic plant of livestock interests in the studied regions due to direct and indirect economic losses in livestock that causes.

Animals , Cattle , Cattle , Heart/physiopathology , Fibrosis/veterinary , Fluoroacetates/toxicity , Plants, Toxic/poisoning , Epidemiology , Plant Poisoning/veterinary , Toxicological Symptoms/poisoning
Microbiology ; (12)2008.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-595961


In anaerobic bottles fermentation,glucose,fructose,xylose,lactose,maltose,sucrose and sugar alcohols could be used to produce succinic acid with Actinobacillus succinogenes. When sorbitol was utilized as the carbon source in the batch fermentation,more succinate and ethanol were produced compared with those using glucose,while producing less acetate and formate. The metabolic flux analysis results showed that the flux partitioning at PEP node was stable when glucose was replaced by sorbitol,but the flux partitioning at PYR and AcCoA nodes changed a lot because more reducing power(NADH) was generated to meet the more requirement the synthesis of succinate and ethanol.

The Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology ; : 223-229, 2005.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-156385


PURPOSE: In this work we designed and made MPBP (Multi Purpose Brachytherapy Phantom). The MPBP enables one to reproduce the same patient set-up in MPBP as the treatment of the patient and we tried to get an exact analysis of rectal doses in the phantom without need of in-vivo dosimetry. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Dose measurements were tried at a point of rectum 1, the reference point of rectum, with a diode detector for 4 patients treated with tandem and ovoid for a brachytherapy of a cervix cancer. Total 20 times of rectal dose measurements were made with 5 times a patient. The set-up variation of the diode detector was analyzed. The same patient set-ups were reproduced in self-made MPBP and then rectal doses were measured with TLD. RESULTS: The measurement results of the diode detector showed that the set-up variation of the diode detector was the maximum 11.25+/-0.95 mm in the y-direction for Patient 1 and the maximum 9.90+/-2.40 mm, 20.85+/-4.50 mm, and 19.15+/-3.33 mm in the z-direction for Patient 2, 3, and 4, respectively. In analyzing the degree of variation in 3 directions the more variation was showed in the z-direction than x- and y-direction except Patient 1. The results of TLD measurements in MPBP showed the relative maximum error of 8.6% and 7.7% at a point of rectum 1 for Patient 1 and 4, respectively and 1.7% and 1.2% for Patient 2 and 3, respectively. The doses measured at R1 and R2 were higher than those calculated except R point of Patient 2. This can be thought to related to the algorithm of dose calculation, whcih corrects for air and water but is guessed not to consider the correction for the scattered rays, but by considering the self-error (+/-5%) TLD has the relative error of values measured and calculated was analyzed to be in a good agreement within 15%. CONCLUSION: The reproducibility of dose measurements under the same condition as the treatment could be achieved owing to the self-made MPMP and the dose at the point of interest could be analyzed accurately. If a treatment is performed after achieving dose optimization using the data obtained in the phantom, dose will be able to be minimized to important organs.

Humans , Brachytherapy , Rectum , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Water